fDi Podcast

Exclusive analysis from fDi Intelligence on the latest trends and developments in the foreign investment world. Every month, fDi hosts and guests delve into a new theme, with interviews and insights from policymakers and investors from all around the globe.
64 results

fDi at Waipa 2022: Future of FDI

EBRD AM 2022: What concerns you most in this turbulent world?

The Bilbao Effect #6: Liverpool, UK

The Bilbao Effect #5: London, UK

Rising Ecosystems #14: Interos CEO on global supply chain risk


Rising Ecosystems #13: Chennai's recipe for global SaaS success

The Bilbao Effect #4: Reykjavik, Iceland

The Bilbao Effect #3: Katowice, Poland

Rising Ecosystems #12: Kavak, Mexico City's first unicorn

Rising Ecosystems #11: Getir delivers Istanbul start-up success
